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Our Expertise

Wavelength helps leaders to make better decisions by truly tuning into their customers, communities, and marketplace through research. We are serious about understanding all different types of people – what they care about and how they experience things.


We gather and digest information - from research, databases, and opinion leaders – to tell a story about what is really going on and where things are headed. 


We combine research and strategy, so we don’t just do the clever analysis, we help work out what to do next.



Why choose us?


We turn complex data into a story that resonates

We research with a zeal that uncovers hidden truths

We explore the big picture trends and relate them to the task at hand

We bridge the gap between research, evaluation and planning so the best ideas are put into action

What we do 

- Stakeholder insights

- Customer insights

- Public research

- Visitor research

- Evaluation research

- Ethnographic research

- User Experience testing 

See stories of our work
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