about us

Wavelength helps leaders tune into a new way of thinking. We are a research, evaluation and business planning agency for government and the not-for-profit sector. Based in Brisbane, we work with clients all around Australia. We speak the language of CEO's, policy makers, artists, scientists, educators, communicators and fund raisers. Our expertise combines research, evaluation and strategy, so we don’t just do the clever analysis, we also work out what to do next.
We have a deep understanding of the arts and cultural sector with over 10 years’ experience helping cultural institutions of all types. Our specialty is helping cultural and STEM organisations to understand their outcomes and plan ahead. Our clients include Arts Queensland, Creative Partnerships Australia, Queensland Museum, and the State Library of Queensland.
Wavelength Director, Bridget Jones designs and manages all projects and draws on a network of experts to deliver results. She is committed to learning, understanding and aligning with client’s needs.
Bridget F Jones
Founder & Director
Bridget founded Wavelength with a vision of helping leaders in the government and not for profit sectors to make a difference. She loves learning about issues and challenges – and having those eureka moments when the solutions emerge.
Her insights work has spanned the creative, education, STEM and local government sectors. She consolidated her reputation as the Director, Research and Strategic Analysis at the Australia Council for the Arts, where she delivered their Strategic Plan 2014-2019 and the benchmark Australian Arts Participation Survey.
Bridget holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Auckland and is a full member of the Australian Evaluation Society.
She is a seasoned public speaker and has presented at conferences and symposiums in Canberra, Washington and Helsinki, and guest lectured at the University of Sydney and the University of NSW.